Friday, December 29, 2006

Phew! I've had a hard day's editing and swearing at different video editing software programs. My second 'One Among the Sleepless' video promo is now online at YouTube:
My nephews-in-law (though both are grown men and could doubtless thrash me in an arm-wrestling match) and I shot this against all odds - high winds and no thermal undies - on Dec 26th while you were all eating cold turkey sandwiches and watching 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'.
Now remember folks, this is a promotional video, so if you like it (or the podcast) do me a favour and send the link to your friends and anyone else you think may enjoy it. If I can pick up just one new listener as a result of this promo, then all that standing about half naked in a stiff northerly wind was worth it.

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