Friday, September 07, 2007

Ma! Look what that they done to ya beautiful boy!

Look, I'm out, and this is my stomach this afternoon. As you can see, they drew an arrow on me just to make sure they went to work on the right bit. And there's a bit of blood on that little wound covering thingy there, that'll be all the struggling out of bed and trying to go pee. I couldn't pee properly for ages, apparently a common problem when you get the full knockout anasthesia, which I did. Another symptom is that you puke, which I nearly did, but didn't because I got an injection in the butt cheek to stop me. Then I had to get pills for the pain, not in my guts but in my butt. Owwww!
How do I feel today? Like I've been shot, that's how. I read this dumb web site that said I could be out on the same day as the op and ride home on a bike. Ha! Don't believe it people. If you're getting this done, your ass is in overnight (and it'll smart too). On the bright side, it's done and dusted and they've given me a ticket to a week off work to lie on my back and think up sick tales.
Which is nice.

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