Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I've given up work... for about 7 weeks.

I started my new 'job' today. My new job is writing and editing and recording and editing and podcasting all the things that I scribble, write, edit etc.
I told my boss I needed time off to do some work on the podcast and he said that would be fine. Needless to say, I'm not getting paid, but that's not an issue. Although, saying that, part of me panics when I think about not getting paid - the part of me that likes having a roof over my head.

I spent today working on the text for Hair and Skin part 4. It's the conclusion and covers 10 pages of Word document. I've now edited it about four times. I'm sure by the time it gets to the finished podcast, I'll have made some further amendments to it as well. But for now, I'm going to say, that's it: done. You can go around and around with this sort of thing, constantly fiddling and fussing. Ultimately, it's never going to be perfect, and after 100 revisions, what sounds good today sounds crap tomorrow. You wind up going back to the original document and being amazed at how good you got it first time around.

I'll record it tomorrow.

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