Saturday, November 10, 2007

Eight Bottles of the Good Stuff Later...

It's been a good week for Hall of Mirrors in the USA, Listeners. HoM has held in the top ten all week. Its highest point has been number 7, which was a thrill (well, at least I was thrilled, I doubt your aura so much as even wobbled, but still...) Many, many thanks to Listeners in the US for making that happen. Falling is inevitable, but it's been really nice to have a run at the high end of things. You are, to coin a popular term, awesome.

In other news, Hair and Skin part three is recorded in its raw state and I'm going to spend today editing it together. Each voice has its own track and has to be edited into the main narrative track. This will take some time. I also have to record my bumpers (the intro at the start and chatty bit at the back) so that too will take a bit of time. But once those things are done, Part 3 can hopefully be online faster than a rat out of an aqueduct. I say this as we just got a proper phone line connected, so no more Ethernet blues (a network cable has been unplugged... the signal was reset automatically... etc).

H and S #3 won't be the conclusion however. I realised as I was doing the re-write that there was more to it than the skinny yoke I'd anticipated: it's chunky. Expect part 4 - and that really will be the end of it.

Also, there's now a Listener Group on Facebook; here you can hang out with other MB Podcast Listeners and share thoughts on such exciting topics as who should play whom in the film of OAtS. So far only I have commented on that, and frankly it's getting embarrassing: if someone doesn't say something soon I'm going to have to delete for fear of looking like Martin in the Simpsons trying to get the attention of Bart or whoever. For God's sake, don't Martin me, Listeners! I beg you!

Oh, and talking of low Listener response, look left. See that? That's the voice recording thing that's going to put you in The Hall of Mirrors, forever. Leave a message, I'll copy it and put it on an episode of HoM in the outgoing bumpers. This podcast is an Internet artifact in the making, when it's done, it'll be here for as long as the Internet exists - and you can be part of it. An installation in the Hall of Mirrors, as sure as Charles and deVere, Lucky Jim Haslet, Jack and Dave or Martin and the Trolls. So come on, Listeners, say something about the Hall of Mirrors. You can say something about the show, the stories or the Hall itself, after all, you're going to be in it: talk about the decor, the fact that the step needs cleaning, the smell of fear that lingers on your clothes even after you've left and gone home... Brrrr, that's chilly, man.

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