Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas Story Update

Well, I got an episode written, but there were things I didn't like, so I re-wrote it and it was a lot better. But as I go over the story again and again in my mind, I feel that it's not ultimately going to satisfy me. It's dramatic and I daresay it'll be very entertaining, but I've decided to abort it. I don't feel bad about it; the writing was good, the characters were good, the plot was good... just not good enough for me right now.

This means that all the stories in the Hall of Mirrors will be from my original story collection, written between ten and seven years ago. I have 2, maybe three more tales to go into the Hall, then it's a wrap. I'm going to get to work on recording the next episode later today.

I just got back from a walk into Dun Laoghaire. It was cold and windy out, but it was nice to get out and about with my wife and poke around in second hand and charity shops. I didn't buy anything though, nothing took my fancy. I saw a nice copy of The Ring (novel), but it was overpriced so I let it go. I hate it when shops mark books or CDs up simply because they know they can ask money for a particular title. I think books and CDs in charity shops should be sold according to their condition and nothing more. Sometimes you can actally get the book / cd cheaper NEW! That's how much shops like Oxfam and Bernado's are charging. Still, sometimes you find something that's underground hip and the wise guys with the price guns aren't cool enough to know what they've got, so they undercharge for it. That's when I laugh my arse off, walking away with a nearly new copy of Joe Dolce's Greatest Hits for only €3.00. Ha ha! The fools!

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