Saturday, August 25, 2007

Parsec Award Nominee / Hall of Mirrors Promo

Now I hate to blow my own trumpet, but from time to time I just have to purse my lips and toot away like Herb Alpert, and today is just such an occasion. I just received some stuff from the Parsec Awards people which will allow me to walk around the award ceremony with a 'candidate' badge on. I was thrilled. I've been nominated for an award; I may not win it, but I've been nominated. One Among the Sleepless is up for Best Non-Speculative Fiction Award 2007. Isn't that great?

The other news is that the Hall of Mirrors promo is now available for your listening pleasure here: Hall of Mirrors promo
I hope to have the first episode - part one of a two parter called 'Trolls' up by Sunday night. If you're on the mailing list, you'll be notified immediately. If you're not, join here:
Mike Bennett Mailing List


Cactusnic said...

Hey Congratulations Mike! Well deserved the nomination is too, I was one of the many who put your name forward. After all you are The Man!

Mike Bennett said...

Thanks, Nick. It'd be nice to go to the ceremony too, but unfortunately it coincides with my hernia operation, and cest la vie, getting my guts sewn up takes priority.

Cactusnic said...

Yeah, I can see that having intestines in their proper place is a good thing. One again congrats!