Sunday, January 14, 2007

Episode 13: Jimmy references R.White’s Lemonade ad.

In that ad (1973), a pyjama-clad man sneaks downstairs at night, singing in hushed tones...

I’m a secret lemonade drinker.
(R. White’s, R. White’s)
I’m-a-tryin’-a-give it up-a but it’s one of those nights.
(R. White’s, R. White’s)
R. White’s lemonade,
I’m a secret lemonade drinker.

Man goes to the fridge, takes out the lemonade and pours a glass ecstatically.
Man’s wife finds him. He smiles and announces: ‘R. White’s Lemonade’.

The ad is legendary and ran for years. The lemonade isn’t produced any more, but the ad still pops on programmes about ads as one of Britain’s all-time favourite TV commercials. I mention this because in episode 13, when Jimmy refers to the ‘not-so-secret lemonade drinker,’ many listeners will not know what the hell he’s talking about. Well, he is referencing this ad. So now you know.
Incidentally, the man in the ad creeping downstairs for a sly lemonade was, in real life, Elvis Costello’s dad. True.

You can actually watch the ad on YouTube, as some kind and wonderful person has gone to the bother of sharing it with the world. Bless you, sir.

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