Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Episode 11, puffing and panting.

Like a person who arrives late for an important date, puffing and panting and flushed in the face, episode 11 drops into Libsyn courtesy of my workplace LAN connection. Damn those fiends at Irish Broadband - I spent €8.00 last night speaking to a guy who kept insisting there was no problem and that I must have Christmas lights interfering with my signal. I told him we had no Christmas lights, so he tried to blame our neighbours - they must have some sinister electrical generator running or something. He admitted they'd been having some problems, but swore that they were all fixed now - this despite the fact that nothing was working properly and all I could upload was... well, nothing.
Anyway, thanks to my kindly guvnors, I'm back in business. Sorry about the delay.
Episode 11 features Mick Nixon, who begins to wonder about stuff (can't go into detail here for obvious reasons). It also features Lesley - and my Scottish accent. She wasn't written as a Scot, but the need for variety in character voice prodded me to look for something different in the voice department (expect more from around the British Isles in the coming weeks). Consequently the character's speech changed from the original book text. But that tends to happen with characters when they move from page to podcast. For me, it's all part of the fun, and it helps to keep the characters distinct in the mind of the listener.
Spot Brighton
Episode 11 also features Mick's first trip to the Pavilion Gardens. The Pavillion is a must for anyone visiting Brighton. It's beautiful and strange in equal measure - strange only because it looks like it's in the wrong country. But then again, strange too perhaps because it came from the mind of George IV, son of the famously mad King George III. I've never been inside, but there are tours available (of the Pavilion that is, not the mind of George IV - though maybe they could be seen as one and the same... ish?)

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