Friday, May 23, 2008

Pain in the Ass
This is the chair I sit on all day while I write and waste time on the internet doing things like this. It's uncomfortable. Why don't I get a new chair? Because there's not enough room in the apartment with all the chairs that come with the apartment. I've got five of these things cluttering up the place - and they're all as uncomfortable as each other (I suppose because they're a sinister set). They come with the table I write at. It's round. Things are always falling off it. Damn furniture.


Cactusnic said...

I too spend many hours in a similar chair. I have prevented permanent injury by using a Back Friend. Here is a pic

I recommend it heartily for folk of advancing years ;-)

Unknown said...

We used to have those exact chairs in our kitchen, before we got it done up. Nice. I always rather liked them.

I think my sister has one in her room...