Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Finally, After a Week of Madness...
30 Minutes of Hair and Skin 3

Yes, it's been hard work, juggling loads of little files, finding bits I don't like and going back to do them again, changing a word, losing a file, watching shit crash, going slightly mad and a diet of peanut butter and rice cakes washed down with Tesco's Chilean Red, Hair and Skin #3 is finally done. What makes me laugh (and sit in the corner eating insects that only I can see) is that the bloody thing is only 30 minutes long. When you listen to it, it's like, bing! Finished. I know one of my problems is - and this is hitherto secret - I make multiple takes of almost every line, every word spoken in the podcast. I listen to all of them again and again before deciding on which one sounds best, or if the first part of that take should be spliced together with the end of that one. My wife thinks I'm a nut, she says there's no difference. But as I sit in the corner, giggling and feeling invisible insects scampering over my tongue, I know she's wrong... there's a biiiiiiiig difference.

Here's a direct link to the file: Hall of Mirrors 8

Bon Apetit

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