Friday, July 13, 2007

Bonus #2 - Update
OK, due to problems people have had subscribing to Podshow, I've decided to drop the Bonus Track 2 into the Libsyn feed after all.
I can't say for sure if this will always be the case; I do want to keep the Bonus Track separate, but too many people got shut out in the early days of the Bonus Track's being on Podshow before I had the iTunes link on there. I thought the Podshow navigation was going to be fairly well-known to most podcast listeners (this being the age of Sigler, Dawn and Drew, Keith and The Girl etc), however, it wasn't - which means it isn't just me that finds the podshow set-up akin to Chinese alegebra.

So this Bonus Track at least will be in the Libsyn feed, if only for a limited period, until I can get the podshow site established.
So if you are subscribed to Podshow and you've already got it and you see your Sleepless feed whirring away - cancel it: coz it's The Bonus Track coming at ya (again).

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself"
US poet (1819 - 1892)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Folks, you should join me in sending a paypal donation to Mike. Why? Silly question! This book is better than most you’ve bought in the last few years. Isn’t it better to be able to listen to the show for free, then CHOOSE to reimburse the artist when and how you see fit? I think it’s a lovely way to operate!

This book is great. Chopper bike-riding hobbyist detective! Git stoners! Crazy bum on a mission of messianic proportions!

Now, who can I pass this on to? Too kinky for acquaintances of the female persuasion (Hey, I’m a married man!). No worries, I’ll think of a few intelligent an openminded friends who can appreciate this work.